Sunday 10 August 2008

ViaViente Demonstrates Cardiovascular Benefits In New Human Trial

�Francis, 50, never imagined that
drink a high anti-oxidant fruit beverage every day could help protect
his wellness -- in just 1 week. That's what he found out after active
in a clinical tryout near his home in Los Angeles, Calif.

A new study conducted by Bell Ventures, shows that after only 7 days,
platelet assembling, a known indicator of cardiovascular disease (CVD),
was significantly reduced in many of the participants wHO took the
anti-oxidant ware, ViaViente, twice a day.

David Bell, President of Bell Ventures, said, "These results are
important because they read how a natural antioxidant and
anti-inflammatory product care ViaViente tin can help protect against one of
our most dangerous health concerns."

Health experts recommend a daily inlet of anti-oxidants, especially in
their natural form. Oxidative stress causes damage to cells and contributes
to aging and disease. Anti-oxidants combat personal effects of oxidative stress such
as inflammation.

A recent independent write up, A Consumer Conscious Look at Six Premium
Anti-Oxidant Products, by Frank Ervolino, ND, shows that ViaViente
outperformed other popular products using ORAC -- an industry standard for
antioxidant testing. This is an important indication of quality and
potency benefits.

Clinical research shows the connexion between what's in the product
and actual outcomes in human health.

The ViaViente study takes direct aim at the benefits to cardiovascular
health of consuming a non-drug, instinctive food product. It correlates the
ingestion of ViaViente to thrombocyte inhibition -- a mark of CVD.

Why is cardiovascular wellness so crucial? The American Heart
Association reports that approximately 80 million people in the United
States have CVD; nearly 2,400 people die of CVD every day; more than people die
from CVD than from cancer, machine accidents, and Type 2 diabetes combined; an
estimated 1.2 million Americans will sustain new or recurrent heart attacks in

Little wonder cardiovascular care is one of our to the highest degree serious wellness

The study uses an established test to measure the reduction of
thromboxane in human metabolism. Thromboxane contributes to
vasoconstriction, which rear increase blood pressure, and platelet
stickiness which crapper lead to clot formation. Both ar associated with
higher relative incidence of serious cardiovascular events. Reducing the production
of thromboxane fanny help reduce vasoconstriction and platelet stickiness.

Experts agree that there is a well established relationship 'tween
thromboxane and cardiovascular office. In fact, clinical enquiry on it
was pioneered by dose companies looking for its relationship to aspirin

Research indicates that natural anti-oxidants can be effective in
reduction thromboxane. The objective of this study was to measure the
effectiveness of a proven antioxidant intersection, ViaViente, at reducing
thromboxane in humankind, and having a demonstrable benefit to cardiovascular

The sketch investigated the effects of the recommended daily sTD of
ViaViente for 1 week later a wash period. Sixteen subjects successfully
completed the protocol.

Results fell into two categories: significant betterment or no
significant change. After only one hebdomad, 38% of the subjects showed
substantial improvement: an average of 16%.

The research squad is planning a second phase that will measure results
in the same subjects o'er one month. Bell aforementioned that he expects to see an
even greater benefit among more participants.

In the mean time, Francis plans to extend taking ViaViente every day.

Bell Ventures LLC

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